
We ensure the security of your networks and computers.

For the safety of
your systems

Cybersecurity includes all measures to protect networks and computer systems from theft or damage to hardware, software and processed data. Companies that store data online or use online platforms are particularly at risk.

To effectively manage this threat, there are plenty of services, technologies and policies that can help. Our expert teams in cybersecurity, strategy, risk management, compliance and resilience analyze the effectiveness of your cybersecurity systems and uncover potential vulnerabilities. Based on these findings, we then develop a customized approach that takes your cybersecurity to the next level.

What we offer


We evaluate the effectiveness of your cybersecurity and resilience programs.


Any potential weaknesses in your system are revealed.


We develop an approach with policies and technologies for the system’s safety.


We provide various services to help your company in optimizing internal processes and structures.

IT infrastructure

Achieve a long-term, sustainable value creation.

Сloud service &
database consulting

Efficient data management with cloud systems.


Audit of your cybersecurity and resilience programs.

Venture capital financing & refinancing

Receive financial support as company with growth potential.

Mergers &

Support for beneficial structural transformations.


Preserve and recreate your brand image.

Financial & tax consulting

Effective tax planning for more financial success.

About us

We rethink traditional processes, push for change and promote new, cutting-edge solutions.

Who we are

Get to know a few details about Baloryx.


Learn more about our company’s philosophy.